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Mantuan Mostarda

"Mostarda" is a typical speciality of Mantuan gastronomy and is considered a trans-alpine sister of the famous Dijon mustard. Its origins can be traced back to the 1300s. It was initially a luxury product, as testified in Gonzaghian documents from the time, which confirm its presence on the tables of the lords of Mantua. By the 1600s its consumption had diffused broadly amongst peasant families, who made widespread use of it, especially during the Christmas period.

Preparation: The fruit, picked at just the right ripeness, is washed, peeled and sliced. Lemon and sugar are added, it is left to soften to a pulp, and parboiled a number of times. Once it has cooled, mustard is added in drops, and the mixture is placed in jars and sealed. One constant feature of Mostarda is that it is left to stand between every step of the process, and even after it has been preserved in jars.
Use: Indicated as an ingredient for the filling when making Mantuan pumpkin tortelli. Also suggested as an accompaniment to boiled/steamed foods and mature cheeses.
mostardamantovana mostardamantovana mostardamantovana mostardamantovana mostardamantovana